F colorectal cancer. Citations per year

Ovidiu V. Numerous studies are investigating the signaling pathways and different factors involved in the development and progression of colorectal f colorectal cancer.

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It has recently been shown that the S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 Skp2 overexpression plays an f colorectal cancer role in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. We review the role of Skp2 and its ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in colorectal cancer.

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The F-box protein Skp2, a component of the SCF Skp1-Cullin 1-F-box E3 ubiquitin-ligase complex, has been shown to regulate cellular proliferation, cancer progression and metastasis by targeting several cell cycle regulators for ubiquitination and subsequent 26S proteasome degradation.

Overexpression of Skp2 and loss of CDKN1B p27 was strongly associated with aggressive tumor behavior and poor clinical outcome in a variety of cancers, including colorectal cancer.

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Alterations in the Skp2, Cks1 and CDKN1B p27 expression have major effects on colorectal carcinogenesis and may serve as an important and independent prognostic marker. Furthermore, we highlight that Skp2 may be a promising therapeutic target for colorectal cancer, and development of Skp2 inhibitors would have a great impact on colorectal cancer therapy.

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